How To Get Rid Of Groundhogs

how to get rid of groundhogs

Are you trying to figure out how to get rid of groundhogs? You may have already tried groundhog treatments, but if they are not helping, do not feel alone. Many people, who are unfamiliar with the treatment options available, simply give up on getting rid of Groundhog Day pets. They have tried one solution after another only to be left frustrated and disappointed. If you too are encountering Groundhog problems in your backyard, then this article will help.


Groundhog problems occur every year in the U.S., because there are a lot of pets who will dig up all kinds of places in search of the sweet, sugary, earthy smell that is humans like. This is often accompanied by the annoying groundhog. Groundhog problems are difficult to solve because the animals are resistant to most common household remedies and pest control methods. In many cases, the only way to remove groundhogs is by using poison gas. Continue reading to learn more about Groundhog pets and how to get rid of Groundhog problems with simple-to-follow professional pest control advice and effective groundhog treatment techniques.


When you have determined that a groundhog has invaded your turf, you must act fast before it causes any permanent damage. The longer you let a groundhog live in your yard, the more likely it is that it will develop a cravings for sugar. To deal with this problem effectively, place the bait of sugar or vegetables (in water) around the perimeter of the lawn before trapping the groundhog. If you place the trap too close to the grass, the groundhog will be unable to reach the bait; however, if you set the trap too far from the grass, the groundhog will run away to find a safe spot to burrow its nest.

How to Get Rid of GroundHogs


There are several natural and non-natural ways to deal with groundhogs. Most effective are chemical sprays containing pesticides and/or traps. Before applying any chemicals, read the instructions carefully. Be sure to follow all safety precautions, such as wearing gloves and goggles, and making sure the sprayed areas are well covered. Choose a non-toxic spray that does not contain any toxins (such as nicotine or linden) that can harm children or pets. For best results, choose a non-repellent product containing at least 2.5% oil.


Another way to effectively get rid of groundhogs is with baits and traps. Baits can be made from corn cob products, popcorn kernels, and dried corn flakes. Groundhog repellents are available from hardware stores and pest control companies. These repellents come in liquid or granular forms and should be applied in holes up to four inches deep. To prevent the animals from returning, place a granular product beneath the ground before applying the repellent.


Traps are another good way to deal with groundhogs. To set a trap, dig a hole as wide as possible, then drop the trap into it. Once it is set, cover it with plastic and put some tape around it to keep the animal from getting out. This is the best time to catch groundhogs when they are either breeding or are near their spawning season.


The best time to get rid of groundhogs is in spring when burrows from mating groundhogs are already starting to appear. As the weather starts to warm up, burrows will start to form. It is during this time that the animals are most likely to enter your property.


If you have an active woodchuck burrow, it is probably best to call a pest control company at this point rather than trying to deal with the problem yourself. The reason is that adult woodchucks will travel miles to find a safe place to lay their eggs, so you can expect them to produce burrows along the sides of your house for months until they fall prey to predators. To get rid of these pests, use a pheromone product that attracts them to food, then lure them into the trap. If caught in time, you can prevent other woodchucks from entering your property by making sure that there are no live burrows around.

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